Coffee Shops Pull the Plug on Laptop Users

Wall Street Journal:
No More Perks: Coffee Shops Pull the Plug on Laptop Users
They Sit for Hours and Don’t Spend Much; Getting the Bum’s Rush in the Big Apple

SF WiFi understands this could be an issue. Customers taking up space while purchasing very few items. Sounds like my brother in law. We won’t get into the discussion of what is the intended use of a café, coffee shop and should a person be allowed to “geek out” for hours on end. That is a business model blog best suited for a business site.

SF WiFi will suggest that wireless hot spots become “smart hot spots”

Wireless Hot Spots can still maintain free wireless network to customers, but tighten up on the services provided. By utilizing a controller or gateway device the hot spots can regulate the customer’s connection time, limit bandwidth per customer, redirect customers to a login page listing café specials and advertisements. Then configure a customer auto logout of the system after 30 minutes. Wireless network access can be made available with a specific access code printed with each receipt. Ensuring that paying customers get “free” wireless with every purchase. 

Coffee Shops, Café – Take control of your hotspot and make it work for you. But don’t kick out my brother in law – I don’t want him showing up at my door.

4ipnet makes such Gateway devices which can be found at the SF WiFi store:

Contact SF WiFi for more information.