Wireless Network Capacity

The wireless network challenges we are currently resolving for our clients is improving their wireless network capacity.

Why the need? Soaring data demand of the mobile users in the meeting rooms, conference rooms and hospitality wireless environments.  Legacy WiFi equipment can have issues with as few as 20 concurrent users. The average user will jump on the wifi with multiple mobile devices (i.e. computer and smartphone). Multiply the number of users by 20 and we’re looking at a huge surge of wireless users and traffic flooding the network.

SF WiFi has resolved this technical issue with a high capacity design and installation of high quality access points.

• 200 plus concurrent wifi users (per meeting room)
• Wireless transmission rates increased to from 50 to 150 MB/s (3X increase)

Ask SF WiFi how we can increase your wireless network capacity.

AT&T to cap home broadband data

Customers who have AT&T’s DSL service will be capped at 150 GB of data per month. Those using the less traditional U-Verse service will get a 250 GB monthly limit. For all customers, going beyond the limit during any month will result in a $10 charge for every additional 50 GB.